Maddi’s Fridge
October 2, 2021
Adapted by Anne Negri
From the book by Lois Brandt
Illustrated by Vin Vogel
Recommended for ages 5+
Maddie’s Fridge addresses the challenges of food insecurity in a relatable way for children to understand, sparking empathy and conversation about hunger. This message perfectly aligns with the H‑E‑B Food Bank Assistance Program that works year‑round to raise awareness and battle hunger in Texas and Mexico and the San Antonio Food Bank’s mission to fight hunger in the San Antonio community. Food collection bins will be on display and H-E-B Hunger Relief PSAs will run at the theatre during the production.
On October 2, the Magik Theatre will also provide a free performance to San Antonio Food Bank clients at their main headquarters located at Valero Community Engagement Center. SAFB and H-E-B representatives will be on-site providing snacks and hunger relief information to patrons. Capacity is limited.
Maddi and Sofia are best friends. One day, Sofia discovers that Maddi has no food in her fridge at home. Sofia wants to help her friend, but Maddi makes her promise not to tell anyone. What should Sofia do? Based on the book by Lois Brandt, this heartwarming and hilarious play is a story about honesty, sensitivity, and instilling important lessons in friendship, empathy, and helping
At this special performance, Magik Theatre, SA Food Bank, and HEB are requesting that you bring essential food items to donate to those families in need. Help us reach our goal of 500lbs of food.
The Most Wanted Items Include: Peanut Butter, Cereal, Tuna, Pop Top Food Items, Beans, Rice, Mac & Cheese, Full Means Can/Box, Chili & Soup, Canned Lunch Meats, Pet Food, and Baby Food & Diapers.
Together, we can align with purpose to end hunger for families in San Antonio.
- Temp Checks upon entering the building
- Face masks required (2+years)